Friday, October 2, 2009

3 Reasons Why Whey Protein Supplements Rule

"Eat this, eat, eat the other. What you eat just eat, eat!" If they sound familiar? Part of the reality of bodybuilding is that without adequate amounts of the right nutrients, all of our hard work in the gym for Zilch, because we will not grow. One of the aspects need to mock, is taking increasing amounts of food that it is widely known that the consumption of large amounts of protein - typically between 1 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight - leading to more muscleProfits. Most people find this amount of protein food to be very difficult, but again the only thing that can help them, "added protein. Especially whey protein supplements. Here are the 3 main reasons why people are whey, ...

Reason # 1: Whey protein supplements are complete proteins

Protein is important for muscle mass, build because of the amino acids that are necessary to be. Of course, not all sources Protein are identical and have different characteristics. Complete proteins are those that contain all essential amino acids, ie, all the amino acids that do not produce the body, so get out of the food - essential amino acids for muscle growth. Whey is a complete protein.

Reason # 2: Whey protein supplements have the highest BV of any protein

Also important is the biological value of the source of> Protein. Some sources of protein are simply not as suited for the body. Other sources are to be used very easily. The result is, the higher the BV of a protein, the more it is used by the body. Whey has the highest BV of protein source - even higher than whole egg.

Reason # 3: Whey protein supplements are the fastest absorbing protein

Timing is very important for bodybuilders. Eating regular meals stabilize periodic nutrients and growth is creating what's it all about. There are two special times to schedule a bodybuilder who need ultra-fast food - breakfast and after training. These are the times in which the muscles are in dire need of food, and it just so happens whey protein is the fastest absorbing protein source is available. Add in the other two qualities of being a complete protein, with the highest BV> Whey, the fastest absorption, it is a piece of cake for breakfast and after training.

bulk whey protein isolate powder

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